EASA CS 22 / CS 23 aircraft, components and systems:
Sustainable Propulsion Systems:
Unique three-blade retractable propeller
Pure electric propulsion systems
Electric-hybrid propulsion systems – range extender with various engines, such as rotary engines and turbines
Power-to-Liquid propulsion
Fuel cell propulsion systems
Lightweight and Composites:
Design, development and engineering as well as manufacturing of composite aircraft
Prototyping – building and testing
Certification of aircraft according to CS22 and CS23
Set-up of production processes
Manufacturing processes, especially modern fibre composite manufacturing processes, including PrePreg construction (out-of-autoclave)
Research projects:
PROVING (LUFO programme) – objective: the development, validation and verification of a streamlined, robust verification and certification framework for aeronautical structural components
ELAPSED (cooperation agreement with the Bundeswehr University of Munich) – objective: an interdisciplinary approach to the development and evaluation of electric drive trains with a focus on sustainable, efficient and safe operation project description
RPAS – objective: the implementation and certification of a Remotly Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) .
ReinerStemme.aero is carried by it’s strong and highly competent team
Always searching for future-oriented innovations.
Open to developing customer specific solutions, of course.
Enthusiastically making the most of the competences of Approved Design Organisation, Production Organisation und Combined Airworthiness Organisation – CAO.
About us
Reiner Stemme’s new company: who were are and what we intend at RS.aero.